Euthanasia Thesis: Defining Your Attitude
Every once in awhile students will come of difficult paper topics that they are not sure how to approach. When instructors assign this sort of subject matter, for example the subject of Euthanasia, they are challenging the students reasoning a debating skills as well as their ability to find supportive evidence that will defend their thesis. The one thing that is important to keep in mind when writing on topics of this nature is that no matter what side of the issue you decide to defend you need to clearly define your attitudes and set a tone in order for the paper to be successful.
The way that we define our attitudes is through the evidence examples that we choose to use to defend our stance as well as tone of narrative that we use when stating our case. For example you can instill your own opinions and emotions into your paper if you feel strongly about euthanasia and whether or not it should be legalized. You can also defend the other side of the euthanasia debate and the belief that it is wrong by using case study examples that demonstrate incidents that prove this. It doesn’t really matter what side of the issue you take as long as you can find a collection of examples that will act as suitable pieces of evidence for your thesis.
It is never easy to write about subject matter that is sensitive like this, because you never know who will be on the reading end of your composition. There are ways to write a fantastic thesis paper on nearly any topic without offending anyone or stepping on toys. It is all about the word and language choices that the author makes to express themselves. Different adjectives and descriptive language set the mood and establish a tone and atmosphere for the document that will be interrupted as the reader. Even if the person reading doesn’t necessarily mean that they will not approve of your paper or give you a poor evaluation. If you have good solid examples that help to justify your position as well as use appropriate language to express your opinions your paper will still be considered valuable and relevant to the debate. It is only when the writer gets off track and does not use verifiable evidence to support their thesis that the paper can be considered to be offensive.