A Thesis Section Writing: How To Avoid Different Errors
Writing a thesis is quite a task, and in the event that students get overwhelmed by the process, they can make it even more difficult on themselves by not following some simple tips to avoid mistakes. Here’s how to avoid making errors in your thesis:
Don’t panic, plan!
Not panicking is perhaps the most important key to completing an organized, error-free thesis, and the key to not panicking is to plan! Planning well from the beginning will reduce stress and anxiety at every stage, help you to avoid common and uncommon mistakes, and will lead to a better overall end result. Here’s what planning should be composed of:
Create a timeline from the point when the thesis was assigned until its due date. The timeline should include:
- Choosing a topic
- Developing a thesis statement
- Researching
- Writing
- Editing and proofreading
Don’t worry if you can only set vague dates; the point is to be able to have goals to work toward in an organized way. At the beginning of each week, sit down and look at the timeline and set specific goals for the week to stay on track.
Organize notes and sources as your research!
Categorize your notes by main idea as you research and be sure to cross reference them so you know which sources each section of notes originates from. Also, keep an ongoing list of the sources you’ve found and all of the information relevant to your in-text and reference list citations for paper. In the event you can’t get back to a source or it becomes unavailable, you’ll be glad of this conscientiousness.
Schedule writing time generously
Once your research is done, schedule much more time to write than you think you need—and break it up between days. It’s best to schedule an hour or so at a time to maximize your ability to write quickly and clearly. Plus, if you run into a problem like needing another source, or an issue with your notes, you can solve it before your next writing session.
Have a friend proofread
Once the draft is done, find a friend, fellow student, or a professional editing service to proofread your paper and make editing suggestions. It’s much more difficult to detect your own mistakes, and someone with a fresh perspective on the topic can be really helpful.