
Creating Catchy Law Dissertation Titles: 12 Unique Ideas

Creating a catchy law dissertation title is easy if you have a good hand in writing titles. Otherwise you may just ponder and fret but never come up with something that is substantial. To help you in creating a good title here are 12 tips and tricks that will get the game going:

  1. Write the topic only after you have finished the entire dissertation. Since the title will be a reflection of the entire work it is best you wait it out. The idea may change as you progress deeper in to the paper so it is best that you write it once the project is completed. When you will have a clear idea on what the paper is trying to say and hence the title will be a true reflection of the entire work.
  2. Make it more reflective of your own personal opinion rather the theories discussed.
  3. Do not ignore the importance of the title. It is the first thing that the reader will see and it will go a long way in creating an expression on the minds of the invigilator.
  4. To the examiner the essay may be as good as its title so do not take it lightly.
  5. Do not use facts and figures in the title. Well use it if it is very important or the very essence of the topic otherwise try not to use figures and facts in the title.
  6. The title should have the most important fact in it.
  7. The title should be a continuation of the entire paper. It should be written in the same tone using the same type of language you have used in the rest of the paper.
  8. Make it easy to read. Like the headings from papers and blogs.
  9. Use words that are easy to read instead of complex and complicated words. No one likes to find a word they do not understand in the beginning of the paper. A simple word will catch the reader’s eye.
  10. Do not make the title overtly long. A long title is boring and has no purpose. It should be short yet expressive at least it should get the meaning of the paper across in a very few words.
  11. The title should be expressive i.e. it should be able to capture the reader’s attention.
  12. However it should not express everything. Something should be left for the reader to find out.