
A Clear And Effective Economics Dissertation Writing Guide

To create a good dissertation, you will need at least a few weeks. In this time you have to find out everything there is about your topic, filter the most important ideas, analyze them and bring evidence. Does it sound too much? Well, it can be overwhelming and even more difficult if you write about a subject like Economics. On the other hand, a clear schedule and hard work is everything you need to finish in time. This writing guide will help you:

  • Choose a different topic. In Economics, most of the students prefer to write about numbers and exact formulas but this can be very boring for you. Try to find a subject that is relevant for your daily life, maybe something related to the taxes or how people can benefits from loans in the bank. This will make others interested in what you wrote and the entire process will be much easier for you.
  • Create an outline. You don’t want to miss any important idea, that is why it is vital to have an outline before you start writing. You will have to create a few chapters and arrange them in a logic way. Of course, the titles of the chapters are very important and they need to be relevant to the content.
  • Emphasize how important your dissertation is. In the introduction, you will have to mention how important it is for others to read your text and why. Talk about this in a clear, but realistic way and don’t exaggerate with anything.
  • Bring evidence for everything you say in the body of your dissertation. Economics is a very strict subject, so you can’t just assume things or not give official numbers. If you need good sources, always go for governmental websites. They are updated every few weeks and you can be sure that the numbers presented there are accurate.
  • Don’t forget about quotations. There are many specialists in the niche who have an opinion about your topic, so why not mention it in your composition? It will make your dissertation look really professional and you will have the chance to find out other perspectives, not just your own.
  • Make a short, but interesting conclusion. At the end of your text you will have to write a short conclusion. You don’t have to bring any new information; just summarize what you wrote in the body of the text.